Technical Surveillance Countermeasures (TSCM) activities include detection and identification of electronic and non-electronic methods of information loss, design and implementation of Communication security plans, evacuation of client's In-house TSCM programs and TSCM review.
TSCM stands for Technical Surveillance Countermeasures. TSCM is essentially an inspection by a TSCM specialist of a facility…
Debugging Services
Telephone instruments, fax machines and all lines serving each area will be tested. These tests detect a variety of eavesdropping attacks..
Signal Intelligence Support System (SISS) TM THE KESTREL TSCM TM Professional Sorftware is a bold new approach…
Is your office premises safe?
Contact us for all your TSCM related queries.
What we can do for you
TSCM or bug sweeps, uncover illegal surveillance devices, unknown technical surveillance devices, and identify security weaknesses. We can perform a sweep to secure your premise.
We will help you by designing and implementing communication security plans, evaluation of clients’ in-house TSCM programs and TSCM review.
We can detect a telephone tap & fix it
We also offer products like Bomb blankets, bulletproof jackets and more..
Key Advantages
We have over 20 years of industrial expertise.
We always reply to client queries within 24 hours.
We use advanced technology in all of our projects.
About Us
AV 2 Group, located in Noida, was founded by Mr. Anurag Saxena, a former Commandant of CRPF in November, 2001. A gallantry medal recipient, Mr. Saxena has electronics background.
He has a vast field experience in Anti Terrorist operations, counter espionage and similarly related measures. Trained in Israel, Canada and USA, he has set up a crack team for TSCM operations.
This team has been equipped with the latest ‘State of the Art’ equipment and they keep themselves abreast with the latest technological advancements to counter any eavesdropping threat to their clients.
How to Find a Hidden Camera in Your Bedroom
How to Protect Conversation During a Corporate Meeting
How does Bug Sweep work and bug sweep cost
Get a Quote
Would you like to speak to one of our staff over the phone? Just submit your details and we’ll be in touch shortly.